The Lovely (Mid-Century Modern) Bones

House-hunting with husband (or should I say “House Dating“) out here in Southern California, we are becoming obsessed with MCM Architecture.

Say what you will about Pinterest, but for all its bridal-and-food pr0n, it’s really helped me grow and develop my budding affinity for architecture with inspiration boards.

My friend and co-worker Melody Beth tried to get me interested in architecture last year, and showed me pictures of The Schindler House (which is right down the street from where my parents in law live.) I wasn’t interested, and at the time, it made me feel the same way Typography feels… I appreciate that other people like it, but it just doesn’t trip my trigger.

But lately, I realize that I’ve always loved architecture, ever since seeing North By Northwest in early childhood and falling in love with The “Van Damme House”…..

DAMME I’m sweating this house

…I just don’t really like the Schindler house website!

I’ve decided to start honoring that interest and so plan to make a trip to The Stahl House with husband for a date night this summer.

What styles do you find yourself drawn to in architecture and how does your home reflect that love?

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